Welcome to the website of the Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group (formerly the Menstrual Disorders and Subfertility Group), based in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand and Center for Reproductive Medicine, Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands.
Co-ordinating editor, Professor Cindy Farquhar
Co-ordinating editor, Dr Madelon van Wely
Netherlands Satellite
The Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group (CGF) (formerly the Menstrual Disorders and Subfertility Group) is concerned with the systematic evaluation of the management and treatment of menstrual disorders and subfertility. It combines the work of two previous groups: the Menstrual Disorders Group was registered in August 1995 after an exploratory meeting in June 1995, and merged with the Subfertility Group in June 1997.
In January 2018 CGF established a new satellite in collaboration with the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam. The satellite has started off with gathering, evaluating, and disseminating reviews on the effectiveness and safety of interventions in subfertile women undergoing intrauterine insemination and in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. The Netherlands Satellite is under the direction of Dr Madelon van Wely, who is a clinical epidemiologist and a long-serving editor with CGF.
At CGF Editorial Base
At our editorial base in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Auckland are:
Co-ordinating Editor: Professor Cindy Farquhar (c.farquhar@auckland.ac.nz)

Managing Editor: Helen Nagels (h.nagels@auckland.ac.nz)
Assistant Managing Editor: Melissa Vercoe (m.pells@auckland.ac.nz)
Assistant Managing Editor: Angela Beros (a.beros@auckland.ac.nz)
At our editorial base in the Center for Reproductive Medicine, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam are:
Co-ordinating Editor: Dr Madelon van Wely (m.vanwely@amsterdamumc.nl)
Managing Editor: Dr Elena Kostova (e.b.kostova@amsterdamumc.nl)
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